Winner of the Alan Ball Award for Outstanding Community Publication 2021


Commendation from the Cambridgeshire Association for Local History 2023

The book is available at the Museum of Cambridge on Northampton Street, David's Bookshop at 16 St Edward's Passage, Waterstone's on Sidney Street, Cambridge, or directly from us if you email contact@histonroadmemories.uk

Please book your place via Eventbrite, at:


We are awarding grants to community projects - specifically in the area around Histon Road covered in the book.

We are looking for projects which require funding in the region of £300-£500. We would expect a breakdown of how the money will be spent and a report when the project is completed. Please email contact@histonroadmemories.uk for an application form. You will need to provide us with detailed plans for a community project. 

So far grants have been awarded to Richmond Road Residents' Association (RRRA) for the Akeman Street Community Centre, the North Cambridge Community Partnership (NCCP), Kings Hedges Family Support Project (KHFSP) and Meadows Children and Family Wing (MCFW).